With MegaView we can open all kind of formats because the program supports a huge quantity of them.
When we open the program we can find a Menu Bar, one toolbar, one browser where we can see our folders a thumbnails panel and one window where we can see our projects.
We can handle the size and rotation of our images, crop the image, remove red eye, we can add frames and text.
This program lets us handle the colors and effects (auto color enhance, sharpen image and grey scale).
One interesting feature that this program has, is that we can edit the gif images and insert more frames, we can use frame like a thumb and save it.
We can select our thumbnails and use them like a Multishow this let us to create another type of project. Also we can convert our files with the batch conversion tool, is very useful and can save a lot of time of work.
The program supports the following formats: arw; avs, bay, bie; bmp; bw; cel; cin; cr2; jpe, jpeg, jpg, tif, tiff and more this are files of images. Video (asf, avi, ivf; m1v, mpe, mpeg, mpg, wm, wmv), Sounds (aif, aifc, aiff, au, mid, midi, mp3, mpa, rmi, snd, wav, wma, mp2, mpv2) and more.
Is an easy program for use and handle our pictures is very complete and I recommend it.